Updating Results

Bridgestone New Zealand

  • 500 - 1,000 employees

Frel Pulickal

Warehouse Supervisor at Bridgestone New Zealand

Master of Business Administration (Finance) at Auckland University of Technology

Frel Pulickal studied a Master of Business Administration - Finance and is a Warehouse Supervisor at Bridgestone New Zealand.

5.45 AM

“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy & wise” – Benjamin Franklin. Up at 5.45 am, get ready for work, have breakfast and join the morning traffic to work.

7.10 AM

Open up the warehouse, get into the emails from the previous day and get them out of the way. Prep up the operations for the day and allocate tasks to the store person. Sneak peek into the morning news and soccer news.

8.30 AM

Morning meeting with the Warehouse managers to review the performance of the previous day and participate in the challenges we face each day and find solutions. Organize the freight for the day depending on the volume of orders to be dispatched.


8.45 AM

Morning tea and grab a bite at the local bakery with some freshly baked pies and sausage rolls.

10.00 AM

Check on the progress of the containers being unloaded. Release the orders for our metro clients, pick the products and place them in the staging area to be loaded onto the truck.

10.50 AM

The truck arrives and we start our loading process of the Products on pallets. Prepare the drivers manifest and off he goes to deliver the goods.

11.00 AM

Meeting with our internal customer to review the logistics and freight performance, especially the DIFOT report (Delivered in full & on time) to close the gap in delivery services and schedules and have a more efficient workflow.

12.00 PM

Lunch in the kitchen with the store person and the big boss; talk about the current events and lighten the mood with some banter all naturally generated by our boss.

12.30 PM

Release the orders for our out-of-town clients, pick the products and place them in the staging area to be loaded onto the truck.

1.00 PM

Load the truck for the out-of-town deliveries and continue back on the containers.

2.30 PM

Check the status of the containers being unloaded and making sure we are on schedule to complete the container by 03.00 pm.

3.00 PM

Release the second batch of orders for our out-of-town clients, pick the products and place them in the staging area to be loaded onto the truck.

3.30 PM

Start loading the truck and wait till cut off to release the truck to take them back to the yard to be line hauled to their destinations.

4.05 PM

Prepare the daily report of the products dispatched and containers unloaded. Start prepping and planning for the next day’s operation; finish up any last-minute emails from our clients.

4.30 PM

Close the warehouse and head back home to play some footy with the team.
