Business Banking has some formal training that we all go through at the beginning. We then have lots of informal in the job training after that. After my first rotation, there was more informal training than formal
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Sep 2024
The training was in a massive block at the start which meant certain things were not utilised straight away.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Aug 2024
There are many opportunities to develop skills and are offered throughout NAB depending on what skills you would like to obtain.
I have picked up digital skills (power query and power BI) through a course carried out. We had a Business Acumen workshop tailored to NAB and we are having a communication/presenting workshop coming up soon. There is also access to Udemy where we can access endless material and courses. We also get the opportunity to complete the FINSIA Professional Banking Fundamentals.
Graduate, Melbourne - 09 Aug 2024
Formal training - all permanent employees have access to Udemy. I have started upskilling myself in Excel and learning Python through Udemy courses.
Career Qualified in Banking qualification - structured learning opportunity to better understand the industry. Supported with resources / training from the business.
Digital fundamentals training - basics of excel, powerpivot, powerquery, powerbi
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Aug 2024
We have had grad training on, business acumen, communicating and presenting and decision making. Plus on job training has been great for Technical.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Nov 2023
As a graduate plenty of opportunities to take on tasks that allow you to build skills you are interested in learning. Also opportunities to undertake formal education via online courses (eg coursera, linkedin learning ect.) There are also opportunities to have university courses paid for by the company
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Oct 2023
First month was spent on training which was learning compulsory things that weren't relevant to my role. Learnt more in 1 week doing actual work then i did the whole month of compliance training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 12 Oct 2023
We have access to professional development as part of the grad program but also free access to online learning and a FINSIA qualification.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
Formal: compulsory training modules on the internal site for various general areas such as risk, cyber safety etc are easy to access and not too bland. Company also offers a large selection of learning courses that are voluntary (or compulsory for specific roles/teams)
Informal: from my experience, everyone on my teams have been very eager to show new employees the ropes - as long as I want to learn, there will always be people willing to teach !
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
So far we have had general workplace training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Mar 2021
Lots of personal development formal trainings in first week of job (and 3 prior to commencement) eg. personal brand, networking, elevator pitches, guiding your career Lots of on the job training for various software and systems that are used. Access to LinkedIn Learning
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Mar 2021
A little mundane and generic
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Mar 2021
Networking skills, personal branding, adapting to working at home, managing stress, other workshops through the grad program. All employees can get access to LinkedIn Learning too which is a great resource.
Graduate, Melbourne - 10 Mar 2021
A lot of business but not a lot of technical ones. Don't expect cutting edge technology training programs unless you work in Technology.
Graduate, Melbourne - 07 Dec 2017
Agile Management training has been a key driver amongst the grads. These workshops have been great!
Graduate, Melbourne - 05 Dec 2017
Graduate, Sydney - 04 Dec 2017
There are some formal training processes and programs. Managers have proven willing to engage and assist wherever possible, providing other business unit specific training.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Dec 2017
Once again, this depends heavily on how managers train their respective graduates.
Graduate, Melbourne - 04 Dec 2017
I've been trained in Agile, taken a program designed to boost women's visibility in the workplace
Graduate, Melbourne - 01 Dec 2017
It might be difficult to come in without knowing much about the systems they use but people are always willing to help you out and walk you through everything. In general formal training sessions have been good.
Graduate, Melbourne - 15 Dec 2014