Be yourself - you need to be the right fit for the company and the company needs to be the right fit for you
Midlevel, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Be prepared to work extremely hard, however be given incredible opportunities and responsibilities
Graduate, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Come with examples of things that make you stand out from the crowd and times where you showed entrepreneurial drive and a desire to achieve
Graduate, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Develop a strong understanding of company values and prepare for your interview with specific examples from your work experience, university studies and general life which demonstrate a commitment to these values. Be confident, leverage any previous prior internship experience and think carefully about why you believe you're a good fit.
Graduate, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Be yourself, companies have corporate values for a reason - be sure yours match
Midlevel, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Be the right type of person. There is no point applying if you aren't a go getter in your everyday life. You won't be successful in the company even if you get the job. No-one will look over your shoulder to help you work or provide you with sufficient training for your role, you will be put in a position and asked to deliver a number. You need to be able to handle that pressure and provide creative and big thinking solutions to the problems which will stand in the way of you achieving them.
Entry level, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Make sure you know about the company you are applying for. Know their vision and leadership charter just as well as you know their brands. Most importantly, be yourself! Interviewers can see through any facade that you put up, and on the off chance the interviewer doesn't see it, you'll be found out as soon as you start
Graduate, Sydney - 19 May 2021
Think about your experience and how you could leverage examples to demonstrate your capabilities; i.e. a situation where you communicated well, overcame a difficult stakeholder, etc
Midlevel, Sydney - 12 May 2021
Come prepared. Research the company, their latest initiatives but also what do these things mean to you as someone who is applying for this role. When talking experiences - whether it be personal or career related, find ways to tie this back to the company's compass. This shows how you can resonate and be a better fit for not just the role but for the business.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 May 2021
Be yourself
Executive, Sydney - 10 May 2021
Helps to have experience working for another FMCG. Work hard attitude is very important.
Graduate, Sydney - 10 May 2021
Pretty standard interview questions - best to reflect on your strengths and ask how they are compatible with the company's culture and mission.
Graduate, Sydney - 07 May 2021
Group work - understanding that group assessments are not solely assessed on formal outcome/response to task but how you work in a group with others - key that you highlight that you are listening to others, clearly emphasise BIC collaboration - don't get hung up if the group consensus on task direction differs from yours, make your case and move on. Individual interview - I was very lucky in that my interviewers were very relaxed, so I drew from that and tried to make my responses quite conversational and very transparent to show that I had integrity and would be a good cultural fit.
Midlevel, Sydney - 07 May 2021