The hours generally fall within a typical working week. Occasionally we have earlier starts and later finish's when there's work to be done. But, the reverse also happens when things are a bit quieter. It's really a two way street.
Midlevel, Wagga Wagga - 26 Mar 2018
The company embraces flexible working hours. Overtime is not expected.
Graduate, Adelaide - 22 Mar 2018
I usually work 8:30 to 5pm with a 1-hour lunch break. This is flexible with my lunch though. This is mainly dictated by the hours that the regional branch is open.
Graduate, Adelaide - 21 Mar 2018
My work hours are 8:30-5:00
Graduate, Brisbane - 21 Mar 2018
Relatively flexible, my hours can be altered if there is a good reason.
Graduate, Bendigo - 21 Mar 2018